Get Involved

Our membership helps us to plan, communicate and consult effectively whilst volunteers deliver services directly to those who need them. Donations and fundraising help us keep the Charity running and provide a little more of everything we do – that extra piece of equipment in the lending library, an extra Living Well with Sight Loss course added into the calendar.


We have over 80 individual Members who help to set the Charity’s strategy and are engaged in our key decision making at Annual General Meetings. Our membership is open to individuals who are eligible for registration as sight Impaired or Severely Sight Impaired or individuals who are Deaf or hard of hearing. You can also become a member if you have an interest in supporting the Charity.

Membership is currently free and provides a regular newsletter, invitations to consultation events, and a vote at our Annual General Meeting.


Volunteers at Vision and Hearing Support provide invaluable support for both the Charity and those we are working to help.

In particular we are looking for Volunteer Befrienders and Volunteer Drivers. However, if you have administration, marketing or other skills that could help us deliver our services please get in touch.


As a Charity, Vision & Hearing Support raises money through grants and fundraising. Added to this, we benefit greatly from public donations and fundraising campaigns such as Karen’s Great North Run Challenge 2021. Your donations will directly contribute to our services such as equipment for the lending library, replacing our specialist low vision equipment, and events and activities for people accessing our services. We can also use public donations as ‘match funding’ to help us secure grants from funding bodies!

Please support our current campaign ‘Karen’s Great North Run Challenge 2021’;